Community & Social Inclusion
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Accessible venues, wide range of events for all ages and suitable for diversity of older people. Information easily understandable & Accessible. Access to services and information without needing internet or smartphones
Face to face services & appointments.
Easy and accessible phone lines.
- A huge issue for older people in our city - figures/stats of people living alone. People reporting isolation
- Needs continued attention- Accessibility issues mentioned above impact to exacerbate isolation- also closely linked to housing and community development, health & transport issues.
- All are important factors as well as access to group activity opportunities.
- Isolation of those with highest level needs and their carers is widespread- lack of day services, carer support/ respite- needs continued attention.
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Communication & Social Isolation
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Easily read, understandable paper-based information.
Access to real people to speak to.
Listening and hearing our needs and concerns.
An accessible City with seats in public areas, toilets open throughout the day & evening, easy parking and public transport.
- A huge issue for older people in our city - figures/stats of people living alone. People reporting isolation
- Needs continued attention- Accessibility issues mentioned above impact to exacerbate isolation- also closely linked to housing and community development, health & transport issues.
- All are important factors as well as access to group activity opportunities.
- Isolation of those with highest level needs and their carers is widespread- lack of day services, carer support/ respite- needs continued attention
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