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This site is work in progress, please be patient with us. We are consolidating the site from historical fragments whilst adding new features that better match our senior demographic.

About Us

Who We Are

We are an independent, non-political, voluntary group, established in 2001 with the support of Brighton and Hove City Council that is free to attend and participate in.
It gives a voice to people aged 50 and over who live in the Brighton and Hove City Council area.

The Older People's Council work to help create a city in which:
  • The contribution of all older people is acknowledged and valued.
  • The needs of older people are recognised and met.
  • Older people are involved in the making of decisions that affect their daily lives and the communities in which they live.

What We Do

  • We exist for anyone to raise issues affecting local older people.
  • We hold regular public meetings.
  • We take action where possible on the issues you raise.
  • We also aim to act as an information hub and consultative group for anyone seeking the views of older people in our city on particular plans, topics, or schemes that may affect older people.
  • We will assist where possible to circulate and publicise information and any events that may interest local older people.
  • The OPC supports the City in being Age-Friendly and Dementia Friendly

What We Don't Do

We are not a service provider, but we can signpost you to services that may be able to help you.


Historic Documents

  • Projects worked On here
  • Annual Reports here
  • The Pensioner Newsletters here
  • OPC Constitution here
  • Campaign Issues here
  • OPC Elections here
  • OPC Meeting Minuets and Agenda here
Last meeting Minutes,
All Historic meeting Minutes
Other PDFs