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This site is work in progress, please be patient with us. We are consolidating the site from historical fragments whilst adding new features that better match our senior demographic.

How we work


The OPC is an independent group supported by Brighton and Hove City Council. The OPC works to ensure that all older people in Brighton and Hove are treated with respect and dignity and have access to services, support and opportunity to lead a fulfilling life.


Older people living in the city elect members to the Council, with any resident over the age of 60 able to stand as a candidate. Elections are held every four years with the city divided into nine electoral zones. Each zone elects one member and one substitute member.

Our work

Council members discuss issues of importance to older people at regular meetings held at least once per month. Where appropriate Brighton City councillors also attend to discuss relevant services or policies. The work of the OPC and the conduct of it's members is governed by a constitution and code of conduct.

Our campaigns

Since inception the OPC has been responsible for numerous campaigns calling for:
Improved sheltered accommodation for older people.
A reduction in waiting times for hearing aids.
More stringent control of fireworks.
Direct rail links with the Midlands and the North to be maintained.
Matting to improve beach accessibility for those with mobility problems.
The retention of indoor bowling as part of a redevelopment of the city’s sports facilities.
Ensuring health and social care provision is tailored to the needs of older people.
Ensuring adequate seating in new and existing public spaces.
To have an annual Older People's Day based on the success of our 2007 'Celebrating Age' weekend.

Our achievements

Establishing an annual older people’s day with the local Pensioners’ Forum that attracts more than 1,000 people each year.
Campaigning to secure free bus travel for older people.
Playing a crucial role in setting up an independent radio company for older people.
The design and implementation of the OPC’s life-saving Medical Card, which details the holder’s medication requirements. The card is now carried by thousands of older people in the city.
Joining the WHO network of Age Friendly Cities, only the second UK city to do so.
Direct input to National policymakers through representation on the South East England Forum on Ageing policy panel.