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This site is work in progress, please be patient with us. We are consolidating the site from historical fragments whilst adding new features that better match our senior demographic.

You can find out about us and access meeting dates, venue, agendas & minutes.

Brighton & Hove Older People's Council Open Meetings will be at Brighton Town Hall (Bartholomew Road, Brighton BN1 1JW) unless otherwise stated, usually on a Tuesday.
Come and meet members of the Older Peoples’ Council who seek to represent residents in the City aged 50+. We will be hosting a round-table debate on issues to do with ageing, representing different perspectives, and would really like to know what you think. All welcome.
They are on a Tuesday 2pm - 4pm and are normally in Brighton Town Hall Bartholomew Rd, Brighton, Brighton and Hove BN1 1JW- Nearest bus stop in Hanningtons. unless otherwise stated.

  • Previously, On 1st October 2024,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm, The Older People's Council Round table Discussion and AGM was part of the Ageing Well Festival that was held in the city.
  • 5th November 2024,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm - Friends Meeting House, Ship Street, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 1AF.
  • 10th December 2024,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm - Tower House, 265–267 London Road, Brighton, BN1 6UF (5&5a bus to Varndean Rd stop). Minutes Agenda
  • 28th January 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm - Brighton Town Hall Bartholomew Rd, Brighton, Brighton and Hove BN1 1JW Minutes Agenda Video
  • 18th March 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
  • 29th April 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
  • 10th June 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
  • 22nd July 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
  • 9th September 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
  • 7th October 2025,
    Tuesday 2pm - 4pm
    Older People's Council AGM will be part of the Ageing Well Festival.

  • Last Meeting Minutes (PDF)
    These are posted manually so there may well be a delay

Each year the Ageing Well Festival is widely promoted on social media channels, public transport and in the local press. The Festival Programme is distributed during August, so do look out for it around the city.

Come and meet members of the Older Peoples’ Council who seek to represent residents in the City aged 50+. We will be hosting a roundtable debate (as part of our AGM) on issues to do with ageing, representing different perspectives, and would really like to know what you think. All welcome.

Come find us on Next Door where we are listed in local events