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This site is work in progress, please be patient with us. We are consolidating the site from historical fragments whilst adding new features that better match our senior demographic.

Social Media

Social Media posts for The Brighton and Hove Older People’s Council (OPC) is an independent, non-political,voluntary group that is free to attend and participate in. It gives a voice to people aged 50 and over who live in the Brighton and Hove City Council area.

We are improving our postings on Social Media Platforms, now that we have a web resource. Our aim is to keep you informed of our activities and events, and to provide a platform for you to engage with us. We are currently using Next Door and Facebook, and will be adding more platforms as we develop our strategy. Our Upcoming Public Events can be seen Here

  • Next Door
    Come find us on Next Door where we are listed in local events. We post here as public announcements as events are planned.
  • Facebook
    Our legacy Older Peoples Council Facebook page is still available Here